Evolution Mining Presents the Find it in Forbes Christmas Carnival and promotion
Friday 12th December 5pm – 9pm
The Forbes Business Chamber provide this event as a Thank you to the community for shopping local and supporting local business
In order to boost the Christmas retail period, the Forbes Business Chamber in partnership with Find it in Forbes Christmas Committee, launched an 8 week promotion where shoppers can win cash prizes as well as a major $20,000 giveaway, simply by shopping in Forbes. shop where you see the colorful Christmas Tree and use the QR Code to enter into the draw.
The promotion itself has a dedicated advertising budget with ads running in the weeks leading up to Christmas on radio, television, print and social media.
With many local businesses registering involvement and sponsorship, the promotion also incorporates a Christmas Carnival featuring market stalls, live music, free children’s amusements and face painting, dance performances and a surprise visit from Santa himself! The Christmas Carnival is being held on the 12 December from 5 – 9pm in Rankin and Templar Streets.
Local businesses use the festival to promote their stores and often have street sales and in-store competitions which adds to the already buzzing community event.